Bấm vào tựa đề để đọc các bài pháp. Bấm vào tên tác giả để đọc bản tóm tắt biographical note. Ngày tháng kèm theo mỗi bài pháp ghi rõ năm của lần xuất bản.
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- Bodhi, Bhikkhu
- Buddhist Publication Society Newsletter Essays:
- Muc Dich Giao Duc Phat Giao - Aims of Buddhist Education -Minh Hanh dich thuat (1997)
- Than Oi! Cac Hanh La Vo Thuong - Anicca Vata Sankhara - Minh Hanh dich thuat (1999)
- Than Can Bac Tri Hien - Association with the Wise Minh Hanh dich thuat(1994)
- Mot Thang Thinh Vuong - An Auspicious Month - Minh Hanh dich thuat (1991)
- Phuong Phap Can Bang - The Balanced Way - Minh Hanh dich thuat (1987)
- Ai Song Mot Tram Nam - Better Than a Hundred Years - Minh Hanh dich thuat (1999)
- Phap Hoc - The Case for Study (1986)Minh Hanh dich Viet
- Phap va Phi Nhi Nguyen Tinh - Dhamma and Non-duality (1994-95) - Minh Hanh dich Viet
- Pháp Không Tái Sinh - Dhamma Without Rebirth? (1987) - Minh Hanh dich Viet
- A Discipline of Sobriety - Tuân Thu Gioi (1997)Minh Hanh dich Viet
- Does Rebirth Make Sense? (2000)
- The Five Spiritual Faculties (1992-93)
- For the Welfare of Many (1994)
- From Views to Vision (1993-94)
- Giving Dignity to Life (1998)
- The Guardians of the World (1993)
- Laying Down the Rod (1991)
- Lifestyles and Spiritual Progress (1998)
- A Look at the Kalama Sutta (1988)
- Meeting the Divine Messengers (1996)
- Message for a Globalized World (1996)
- Navigating the New Millennium (2000)
- A New Undertaking (1985)
- Sự Cao Siêu của các Chân Đế - (The Nobility of the Truths) - Minh Hạnh dịch thuật (1991-92)
- Luan Giai ve su Coi Mo - A Note on Openness Thuy Tu dich thuat(1990-91)
- The Problem of Conflict (1989)
- Purification of Mind (1986)
- The Quest for Meaning (1989)
- Refuge in the Buddha (1992)
- A Remedy for Despair (1989)
- The Search for Security (1990)
- Self-transformation (1990)
- A Statement of Conscience (1988)
- Subrahma's Problem (1997)
- Taking Stock of Oneself (1987)
- Tolerance and Diversity (1993)
- Toward a Threshold of Understanding (1995)
- A Tribute to Two Monks (1998)
- Two Faces of the Dhamma (1985)
- Two Paths to Knowledge (1999)
- Two Styles of insight Meditation (2000)
- Vision and Routine (1985)
- The Vital Link (1988)
- Walking Even Amidst the Uneven (1996)
- A Buddhist Response to Contemporary Dilemmas of Human Existence (1994)
- A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma (Introduction only)Sách học bao hàm toàn diện Vi Diệu Pháp - Lê Văn Phúc dịch (Bhikkhu Bodhi, ed.; BPS, 1993)
- Dana: The Practice of Giving (BPS WH 367; 1990)
- Discourses of the Ancient Nuns (BPS BL 143, 1997)
- Going for Refuge/Taking the Precepts (BPS WH 282; 1981)
- The Living Message of the Dhammapada (BPS BL 129; 1993)
- Maha Kaccana: Master of Doctrinal Exposition(BPS WH 405; 1995)
- Bat Chanh Dao - Con Duong Diet Kho - The Noble Eigthfold Path: The Way to the End of Suffering (BPS, 1994)(Minh Hanh & Nguyen Van Hoa Viet Dich)
- Nourishing the Roots: Essays on Buddhist Ethics (BPS WH 259; 1990)
- The Taste of Freedom (BPS BL 71; 1976)
- A Treatise on the Paramis (by Acariya Dhammapala (6th c.), Bhikkhu Bodhi trans.; BPS WH 409/411; 1996)
- Transcendental Dependent Arising: A Translation and Exposition of the Upanisa Sutta (BPS WH 277; 1980)
- Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya: A Personal Appreciation (1998)
- Buddhist Publication Society Newsletter Essays:
- Bodhinandamuni, Phra
- Bogoda, Robert
- Văn Hóa Phật Giáo - Buddhist Culture, the Cultured Buddhist (BPS BL 139; 1996) Minh Hạnh Việt dịch
- Cẩm Nang cho đời sống - A Simple Guide to Life (BPS WH 397; 1994) Minh Hạnh Việt dịch
- Boowa, Phra Ajaan Maha
- The Dhamma Teaching of Acariya Maha Boowa in London (1980)
- Tu Chan Tam - Straight from the Heart (1996) - Thuy Tu Viet Dich
- That tanh cua van vat - Things as They Are - Thuy Tu Viet dich (1996)
- Cho toi hoi tho cuoi cung - To the Last Breath: Dhamma Talks on Living and Dying (1992) - Minh Hanh Viet dich
- Brahmali Bhikkhu
- Buddhaghosacariya, Somdet Phra (Ñanavara Thera)
- Buddharakkhita, Acharya
- The Dhammapada: The Buddha's Path of Wisdom (BPS, 1985)
- Metta: The Philosophy and Practice of Universal Love (BPS WH 365; 1989)
- Positive Response: How to Meet Evil with Good (BPS BL 109; 1987)
- Bullen, Leonard
- Burns, Douglas
- Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology (BPS WH 88; 1994)
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- Chah, Phra Ajaan
- Conze, Edward
- The Way of Wisdom (BPS WH 65; 1993)
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- DeGraff, Geoffrey — see Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
- de Silva, Lily
- "The Buddhist Attitude Towards Nature" (from BPS WH 346; 1987)
- "Giving in the Pali Canon," in Dana: The Practice of Giving (BPS WH 367; 1990)
- Ministering to the Sick and Terminally Ill (BPS BL 132; 1994)
- Nibbana As Living Experience/The Buddha and The Arahant: Two Studies from the Pali Canon (BPS WH 407/408, 1996)
- One Foot in the World: Buddhist Approaches to Present-day Problems (BPS WH 337; 1986)
- khong con, da bi xoaRadical Therapy: Buddhist Precepts in the Modern World (BPS BL 123; 1991)
- The Self-made Private Prison (BPS BL 120; 1990)
- Dewaraja, Lorna Srimathie
- The Position of Women in Buddhism (BPS WH 280; 1981)
- Dhammananda, Ven. K. Sri
- Dhammika, Ven. Shravasti
- The Edicts of King Asoka (BPS WH 386; 1993)
- Gemstones of the Good Dhamma (Saddhamma-maniratana): An Anthology of Verses from the Pali Scriptures (BPS WH 342; 1987)
- Matrceta's Hymn to the Buddha: An English Rendering of the Satapancasatka (BPS WH 360; 1989)
- Dune, Phra Ajaan
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- Figen, Dorothy
- Beginning Insight Meditation, and Other Essays (BPS BL 85; 1988)
- Fuang, Phra Ajaan
- Awareness Itself (1999)
- Listen Well (2001)
- Nhất Tâm - A Single Mind (1999)(Minh Hạnh Việt dịch)
- Timeless and True (1998)
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- Gunaratana, Henepola
- The Jhanas in Theravada Buddhist Meditation (BPS WH 351; 1988)
- Gunaratna, V.F.
- Buddhist Reflections on Death (BPS WH 102; 1982)
- Guruge, Ananda W.P.
- The Buddha's Encounters With Mara (BPS WH 419; 1997)
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- Harris, Elizabeth J.
- Detachment and Compassion in Early Buddhism (BPS BL 141; 1997)
- Hành trình vào đạo Phật A Journey into Buddhism - Nguyên Tâm và Tâm Đăng trích dịch (BPS BL 134; 1994)
- Violence and Disruption in Society: A Study of the Early Buddhist Texts (BPS WH 392; 1994)
- Hecker, Hellmuth
- Ananda: The Guardian of the Dhamma - Thánh Tăng Ananda - Người bảo tồn Pháp (BPS WH 273; 1980)
- Anathapindika: The Great Benefactor (BPS WH 334; 1986)
- Buddhist Women at the Time of the Buddha (BPS WH 292; 1982)
- Maha Kassapa: Father of the Sangha (BPS WH 345; 1987)
- Life of Maha-Moggallana (BPS WH 263; 1979)
- Horner, I.B.
- Women in Early Buddhist Literature (BPS WH 30; 1982)
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- Ireland, John D.
- The Discourse Collection: Selected Texts from the Sutta Nipata (BPS WH 82; 1983)
- Samyutta Nikaya: An Anthology (Part I) (BPS WH 107; 1981)
- Vangisa: An Early Buddhist Poet (BPS WH 417/418; 1997)
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- Jackson, Natasha
- "Unselfish Joy: A Neglected Virtue" (in BPS WH 170; 1983)
- Jones, Ken
- Buddhism & Social Action (BPS WH 285; 1981)
- Jootla, Susan Elbaum
- Inspiration from Enlightened Nuns (BPS WH 349; 1988)
- Investigation for Insight (BPS WH 301; 1983)
- "The Practice of Giving," in Dana: The Practice of Giving (BPS WH 367; 1990)
- A Taste of the Holy Life: An Account of an International Ordination in Myanmar (BPS BL 133; 1994)
- Teacher of the Devas (BPS WH 414; 1997)
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- Kariyawasam, A.G.S
- Buddhist Ceremonies and Rituals of Sri Lanka (BPS WH 402-404; 1995)
- Suvimalee Karunaratna
- The Healing of the Bull: A Story (BPS BL 140; 1996)
- Prisoners of Karma: A Story (BPS BL 125; 1991)
- Kawasaki, Ken & Visakha
- Jataka Tales of the Buddha, Part I (BPS BL 135; 1995)
- Jataka Tales of the Buddha, Part II (BPS BL 138; 1996)
- Jataka Tales of the Buddha, Part III (BPS BL 142; 1997)
- Jataka Tales of the Buddha, Part IV (BPS BL 144; 1998)
- Jataka Tales of the Buddha, Part V (BPS BL 158; 2002)
- Kee Nanayon, Upasika (K. Khao-suan-luang)
- Thiền Hoi Thở Cô Ðọng (Thủy Tú dịch) Breath Meditation Condensed (1998)
- Directions for Insight (1995)
- Going Against the Flow (1998)
- A Good Dose of Dhamma for Meditators When They Are Ill (1998)
- Looking Inward (1998)
- Pure & Simple (2003)
- Reading the Mind (1998)
- Stop, Look, and Let Go (1999)
- An Unentangled Knowing: The Teachings of a Thai Buddhist Lay Woman (1998)
- Kelly, John
- Khamdee, Phra Ajaan
- Making the Dhamma Your Own (1999)
- Khantipalo, Bhikkhu
- Bag of Bones: A Miscellany on the Body (BPS WH 271/272, 1980)
- The Blessings of Pindapata (BPS WH 73, 1964)
- Forest Meditations: The Verses of the Arahant Talaputa (BPS WH 243; 1983)
- Lay Buddhist Practice (BPS WH 206; 1982)
- Practical Advice for Meditators (BPS WH 116; 1986)
- Vòng Luân Hồi(The Wheel of Birth and Death) (BPS WH 147; 1970)
- With Robes and Bowl (BPS WH 83; 1986)
- Khema, Ayya
- All of Us (Beset by Birth, Decay and Death) (1988)
- (To be Seen) Here and Now (1989)
- Meditating on No-self (BPS BL 95; 1984)
- Khin, U Ba
- The Essentials of Buddha Dhamma in Meditative Practice (with an essay on U Ba Khin by Eric Lerner; BPS WH 231; 1981)
- Knight, C.F
- "Mudita" (in BPS WH 170; 1983)
- Kusalasaya, Karuna
- Buddhism in Thailand: Its Past and Its Present (BPS WH 85; 2005)
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- Ledi, Sayādaw
- A Manual of the Dhamma - Dhamma Dīpanī - Cẩm Nang Chi Pháp - Phật Pháp Diễn Giải (1994)Nguyễn Văn Hòa & Minh Hạnh Việt dịch
- A Manual of the Dhamma - THE VIPASSANA-DIPANI - Cẩm Nang Chi Pháp - Thiền Minh Sát Diễn Giải (1994)Nguyễn Văn Hòa & Minh Hạnh Việt dịch
- Lee, Phra Ajaan
- Basic Themes (1994)
- Tâm Thức - Consciousnesses (1997)
- Vượt qua Biển cả của cuộc đời - Crossing the Ocean of Life - Cư sĩ Nguyễn Thanh Bình dịch thuật (1998)
- The Demons of Defilement (Kilesa Mara) (1998)
- Pháp cho tất cả mọi người - Dhamma for Everyone - Minh Hạnh dịch thuật (2003)
- Mật Chú - The Divine Mantra (2006)Minh Hạnh Việt dịch
- Duties of the Sangha (1995)
- The Eye of Discernment: An Anthology from the Teachings of Phra Ajaan Lee Dhammadaro (1999)
- Food for Thought (1995)
- Frames of Reference (1994)
- A Handbook for the Relief of Suffering (1995)
- Inner Strength (1998)
- Giữ Hoi Thở Trong Tâm va` Bài Học Trong Tam Muội - Ðịnh (Thủy Tú dịch)- Keeping the Breath in Mind & Lessons in Samadhi (2000)
- Knowledge (1997)
- Lessons in Samadhi — see Keeping the Breath in Mind & Lessons in Samadhi
- Loyalty to Your Meditation (2001)
- The Path to Peace and Freedom for the Mind (1995)
- The Power of Good Will (2003)
- The Power of Goodness (2004)
- A Refuge in Awakening (1998)
- Shelter (2000)
- The Skill of Release (1995)
- Starting Out Small: A Collection of Talks for Beginning Meditators (2000)
- Starting Out Small: A Collection of Talks for Beginning Meditators (Portfolio 2) (2003)
- Starting Out Small: A Collection of Talks for Beginning Meditators (Portfolio 3) (2005)
- Visakha Puja - Đại lễ Visak - Dr Phạm Doan Luyện dịch (1998)
- What is the Triple Gem? (1994)
- Medhanandi, Ayya
- The Food of Kindness (2005)
- Mahasi Sayadaw
- Những giai đoạn tiến triển của Thiền Minh Sát - The Progress of Insight - Phạm Kim Khánh dịch thuật (BPS, 1994)
- Satipatthana Vipassana: Insight Through Mindfulness (BPS WH 370; 1990)
- Thoughts on the Dhamma (BPS WH 298; 1983)
- Matara Sri Nanarama Mahathera
- Bảy Giai Ðoạn Thanh Lọc - The Seven Stages of Purification & The Insight KnowledgesNguyễn Văn Hòa và Minh Hạnh dịch Việt
- Mun, Phra Ajaan
- Ñanananda, Bhikkhu
- Ideal Solitude: An Exposition of the Bhaddekaratta Sutta (BPS WH 188, 1973)
- Nanayon, Upasika Kee — see Kee Nanayon, Upasika
- Ñanamoli Thera
- The Buddha's Words on Kamma (BPS WH 248; 1993)
- The Discourse on Right View (Bhikkhu Ñanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi; BPS WH 377, 1991)
- The Lion's Roar: Two Discourses of Buddha (Bhikkhu Ñanamoli, trans.; Bhikkhu Bodhi, ed.; BPS WH 390; 1993)
- The Practice of Loving-kindness (metta) (BPS WH 7; 1987)
- Ba Bài Pháp Trọng Yếu Của Đức Phật - Three Cardinal Discourses of the Buddha - Nguyễn Văn Hòa Việt Dịch (BPS WH 17; 1981)
- Ñanavara Thera (Somdet Phra Buddhaghosacariya)
- Narada Thera
- Buddhism in a Nutshell (BPS, 1982)
- Everyman's Ethics (BPS WH 14; 1985)
- Nararatana Rajamanit, Chao Khun (Tryk Dhammavitakko)
- An Iridescence on the Water (1997)
- Nyanatiloka Mahathera
- Tự Điển Phật Học - Buddhist Dictionary - Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines (1994)Nguyễn Văn Hòa & Minh Hạnh dịch thuật
- Nyanaponika Thera
- Buddhism and the God-idea (1994)
- Contemplation of Feeling: The Discourse Grouping on the Feelings (BPS WH 303; 1983)
- Courageous Faith (1994)
- Devotion in Buddhism (1994)
- The Discourse on the Snake Simile (BPS WH 48; 1974)
- The Five Mental Hindrances and Their Conquest (BPS WH 26; 1993)
- Tứ Vô Lượng Tâm - The Four Sublime States (BPS WH 6; 1993) - Minh Hạnh Việt dịch
- "Is Unselfish Joy Practicable?" (in BPS WH 170; 1983)
- Kamma and its Fruit (1994)
- The Life of Sariputta (BPS WH 90; 1987)
- The Power of Mindfulness (BPS WH 121; 1986)
- Protection Through Satipatthana (BPS BL 34; 1990)
- Thấy các pháp như thực - Seeing Things as They Are - Minh Hạnh dịch thuật (1994)
- The Simile of the Cloth and the Discourse on Effacement (BPS WH 61; 1988)
- Why End Suffering? (1994)
- The Worn-Out Skin (BPS WH 83; 1989)
- Nyanasatta Thera
- The Foundations of Mindfulness (BPS WH 19; 1993)
- Nyanatusita Thera
- Nyanasobhano, Bhikkhu — see Price, Leonard
- Nyanatiloka Mahathera
- Fundamentals of Buddhism: Four Lectures (BPS WH 394; 1994)
- Oates, L.R.
- "The Nature and Implications of Mudita" (in BPS WH 170; 1983)
- Ontl, Petr Karel
- Of Mindsets and Monkeypots(BPS BL 131, 1993)
- Phut Thaniyo, Phra Ajaan
- Piyadassi Thera
- Kinh Thánh Hộ Trì - Paritta - The Book of Protection (Paritta) (BPS; 1999) - Minh Hạnh dịch Việt
- Kinh Thánh Hộ Trì - Paritta - The Book of Protection (Paritta) (BPS; 1999) - Minh Hạnh dịch Việt
- Piyatissa Thera
- The Elimination of Anger (BPS BL 68; 1975)
- Bẩy Yếu Tố Dẫn Đến Giác Ngộ -Seven Factors of Enlightenment, The (BPS WH 1; 1960) - Minh Hạnh Việt dịch
- Price, Leonard (Nyanasobhano, Bhikkhu)
- Bhikkhu Tissa Dispels Some Doubts (BPS BL 102; 1985)
- Nothing Higher to Live For (BPS BL 124; 1991)
- Radical Buddhism (BPS BL 92; 1982)
- To the Cemetery and Back (BPS BL 96; 1983)
- Two Dialogues on Dhamma (BPS WH 363/364; 1989)
- Prince, T
- Renunciation (BPS BL 36; 1986)
- Sao Kantasilo, Phra Ajaan
- See Ajaan Sao's Teaching: A Reminiscence of Phra Ajaan Sao Kantasilo (Ajaan Phut Thaniyo; 1997)
- Sayadaw, Mahasi — see Mahasi Sayadaw
- Sayadaw, Webu — see Webu Sayadaw
- Silacara, Bhikkhu
- Silananda, Sayadaw U
- Sim, Phra Ajaan
- Simply So (1995)
- Soma Thera
- Kalama Sutta: The Buddha's Charter of Free Inquiry (Soma Thera, tr; with an essay by Bhikkhu Bodhi; BPS WH 8; 1981)
- The Removal of Distracting Thoughts (BPS WH 21; 1981)
- The Way of Mindfulness: The Satipatthana Sutta and Its Commentary (BPS; 1999)
- Words Leading to Disenchantment: Two Essays (BPS BL 79; 1978)
- Story, Francis
- Buddhist Meditation (BPS BL 15; 1986)
- Sumana, Samanera
- Going Forth: A Call to Buddhist Monkhood (BPS WH 27; 1983)
- Suwat Suvaco, Phra Ajaan
- Blatantly Clear in the Heart (2001)
- To Comprehend Suffering (2002)
- Sự Thức Tỉnh - Disenchantment (2001) - Minh Hạnh Việt dịch
- A Fistful of Sand (1999)
- A Home for the Mind (2002)
- The Light of Discernment (2002)
- Right Attitude (2001)
- Right Concentration (2001)
- Straigthening Out Your Views (2002)
- The Strategy of a Peaceful Mind (2005)
- Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff)
- Books and sutta anthologies:
- Dhammapada: A Translation (1997)
- The Karma of Questions (2002)
- Meditations: Forty Dhamma Talks (2003)
- The Mind Like Fire Unbound: An Image in the Early Buddhist Discourses (Barre, MA: Dhamma Dana Publications, 1993)
- Noble Strategy (1999)
- Refuge: an Introduction to the Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha (1997)
- Study Guides - Phật Giáo Toàn Thư - Minh Hạnh và Nguyễn Văn Hoà dịch thuật
- That the True Dhamma Might Last a Long Time: Readings Selected by King Asoka (1996)
- Yếu tố cần thiết dẫn đến giác ngộ - The Wings to Awakening: an Anthology from the Pali Canon (1996)
- Essays and Dhamma talks:
- Affirming the Truths of the Heart: - Tin Vào Trái Tim - (1997)
- All About Change (2004)
- The Agendas of Mindfulness - Nghi? Tri`nh cu?a Cha´nh Niê?m (2002)
- The Atthakavagga (The Octet Chapter): An Introduction (1997)
- The Customs of the Noble Ones (1999)
- Tha´o Go~ Nhâ?n Thu´c(Th?y Tú d?ch) - De-perception (2002)
- The Economy of Gifts (1997)
- Emptiness (1997)
- Five Piles of Bricks: The Khandhas as Burden & Path (2002)
- Freedom from Fear (2002)
- Getting the Message - Nhật thức lời Giáo Huấn - Minh Hạnh và Nguyễn Văn Hoà dịch thuật (2006)
- The Healing Power of the Precepts - Năng Lực Trị Liệu Của Giới Luật - Nguyễn Văn Hoà chuyển dịch- (1997)
- Integrity of Emptiness, The (2006)
- Jhana not by the Numbers (2005)
- Karma (1997)
- Legends of Somdet Toh (2006)
- Life Isn't Just Suffering (2000)
- The Meaning of the Buddha's Awakening (1997)
- Nibbana - Niết Ban - Dr. Phạm Doan Luyện dịch (1996)
- Noble Strategy: Essays on the Buddhist Path (1999)
- No-self or Not-self? - Vô Ngã hay không có Tự Ngã - Minh Hạnh và Nguyễn Văn Hoà dịch (1996)
- The Not-self Strategy (1993)
- One Tool Among Many: The Place of Vipassana in Buddhist Practice (1998)
- Opening the Door to the Dhamma: Respect in Buddhist Thought & Practice (2001)
- The Parayanavagga (The Chapter on the Way to the Far Shore): An Introduction (1997)
- The Path of Concentration & Mindfulness (1997)
- The Practice in a Word (2004)
- Purity of Heart (2006)
- Pushing the Limits: Desire & Imagination in the Buddhist Path (2006)
- Questions of Skill (2001)
- Chanh Ngữ - Right Speech (1999) - Minh Hạnh va Nguyễn Văn Ho`a dịch thuật )
- The Road to Nirvana is Paved with Skillful Intentions (1999)
- Samsara (2002)
- Samsara Divided by Zero (2000)
- Trading Candy for Gold: Renunciation as a Skill (1999)
- Upasika Kee Nanayon and the Social Dynamic of Theravadin Buddhist Practice (1995)
- A Verb for Nirvana (2005)
- The Weight of Mountains (2001)
- "When you know for yourselves...": The Authenticity of the Pali Suttas (2002)
- Meditation:
- Basic Breath Meditation Instructions - Hướng dẫn hành thiền hoi thở căn bản - Thủy Tú Việt dịch (1993)
- De-perception (2002)
- A Guided Meditation - Hướng dẫn hành thiền - Lê Văn Phúc dịch (2001)
- Using Meditation to Deal with Pain, Illness & Death - Thiền giúp giảm đau và chuẩn bị đối diện với sự chết (1993)
- See also Ven. Thanissaro's translations of books by Phra Ajaan Lee, Phra Ajaan Fuang, Upasika Kee Nanayon, Phra Ajaan Thate, and Phra Ajaan Maha Boowa.
- Books and sutta anthologies:
- Thate, Phra Ajaan
- Tự truyện của một vị Lâm Tăng - The Autobiography of a Forest Monk (1996) Minh Hạnh dịch thuật
- Buddho - Giác Ngộ - Lê Văn Phúc dịch (1994)
- Steps Along the Path (1994)
- U Ba Khin — see Khin, U Ba
- U Silananda — see Silananda, Sayadaw U
- van Gorkom, Nina
- "Generosity: The Inward Dimension," in Dana: The Practice of Giving (BPS WH 367; 1990)
- Various authors
- Dana: The Practice of Giving (Bhikkhu Bodhi, ed.; BPS WH 367; 1990)
- von Glasenapp, Helmuth
- Vedanta & Buddhism: A Comparative Study (BPS WH 2; 1978)
- Walshe, Maurice O'Connell
- Buddhism and Death (BPS WH 261; 1978)
- Buddhism and Sex (BPS WH 225; 1986)
- "Giving from the Heart," in Dana: The Practice of Giving (BPS WH 367; 1990)
- "Detachment" in Buddhist Layman, The (BPS WH 294; 1982)
- "Having Taken the First Step" in Buddhist Layman, The (BPS WH 294; 1982)
- Webu Sayadaw
- Hãy tinh tấn không ngừng - The Essential Practice: Dhamma Discourses of Venerable Webu Sayadaw (Part I) Giác Niệm dịch thuật (BPS WH 375; 1991)
- Hãy tinh tấn không ngừng - The Essential Practice: Dhamma Discourses of Venerable Webu Sayadaw (Part II)Giác Niệm dịch thuật (BPS WH 384; 1992)
- To Light a Fire (BPS BL 122; 1990)