The venerable Ananda arose early one morning, and taking up his robe and bowl approached a certain settlement of nuns, where he sat down on a seat that had been prepared. A number of nuns approached the venerable Ananda, and after greeting him, sat down to one side. So seated, these nuns said this to the venerable Ananda: "There are here, Ananda sir, a number of nuns who abide with minds well established in the four foundations of mindfulness. Their understanding is becoming ever greater and more excellent." |
"So it is, Sisters, so it is!" replied Ananda. "Indeed for anybody, Sisters, whether monk or nun, who abides with a mind well established in the four foundations of mindfulness — it is to be expected that their understanding becomes ever greater and more excellent." |
[Ananda later relates this exchange to the Buddha, who approves of his response and then elaborates:] |
Here, Ananda, a monk abides contemplating body as body* — ardent, fully aware, mindful — leading away the unhappiness that comes from wanting the things of the world. And for one who is abiding contemplating body as body,* a bodily object arises, or bodily distress, or mental sluggishness, that scatters his mind outward. Then the monk should direct his mind to some satisfactory image. When the mind is directed to some satisfactory image, happiness is born. From this happiness, joy is then born. With a joyful mind, the body relaxes. A relaxed body feels content, and the mind of one content becomes concentrated. He then reflects: "The purpose for which I directed my my mind has been accomplished. So now I shall withdraw [directed attention from the image]." He withdraws, and no longer thinks upon or thinks about [the image]. He understands: "I am not thinking upon or thinking about [anything]. Inwardly mindful, I am content." This is directed meditation. |
-Ở đây, này Ananda, Tỷ-kheo sống, quán thân trên thân,* nhiệt tâm, tỉnh giác, chánh niệm, nhiếp phục tham ưu ở đời. Vị ấy trú, quán thân trên thân,* hoặc thân sở duyên (kàyàrammano) khởi lên, hoặc thân nhiệt não (kàyasmin parilàho), hoặc tâm thụ động, hoặc tâm phân tán hướng ngoại (bahiddha va cittam vikkhipati); do vậy, này Ananda, Tỷ-kheo cần phải hướng tâm đến một tướng tịnh tín (pasàdaniyenimitta). Do vị ấy hướng tâm đến một tướng tịnh tín, hân hoan (pàmujjam: Thắng hỷ) sanh. Người có tâm hân hoan, hỷ sanh. Người có tâm hỷ, thân được khinh an. Người có tâm khinh an, lạc thọ sanh. Người có tâm lạc thọ, tâm được định tĩnh. Vị ấy tư sát như sau: "Mục đích mà ta hướng tâm đến, mục đích ấy đã đạt được. Nay ta rút lui (patisamharàmi) (khỏi đối tượng tịnh tín)". Vị ấy rút lui, không tầm, không tứ. Vị ấy rõ biết: "Không tầm, không tứ, nội tâm chánh niệm, ta được an lạc".Như vậy, này Ananda, là sự tu tập về hướng tâm. |
And what is undirected meditation? Not directing his mind outward, a monk understands: "My mind is not directed outward." He understands: "Not focused on before or after; free; undirected." And he understands: "I abide observing body as body — ardent, fully aware, mindful — I am content." This is undirected meditation. |
And so, Ananda, I have taught directed meditation; and I have taught undirected meditation. Whatever is to be done by a teacher with compassion for the welfare of students, that has been done by me out of compassion for you. Here are the roots of trees. Here are empty places. Get down and meditate. Don't be lazy. Don't become one who is later remorseful. This is my instruction to you. |
Note * These passages are repeated for the other three foundations of mindfulness: feelings as feelings; mind as mind; mental states as mental states. |
Note * Lại nữa, này Ananda, Tỷ-kheo sống, quán thọ trên các thọ... sống, quán tâm trên tâm...sống, quán pháp trên các pháp |
Chủ biên và điều hành: TT Thích Giác Đẳng. Những đóng góp dịch thuật xin gửi về TT Thích Giác Đẳng tại |
Cập nhập ngày: Thứ Sáu 08-11-2006 Kỹ thuật trình bày: Minh Hạnh & Thiện Pháp |