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General questions about the website
What is Access to Insight? ![]() Access to Insight is an Internet website dedicated to providing accurate, reliable, and useful information concerning the practice and study of Theravada Buddhism, as it has been handed down to us through both the written word of the Pali canon and the living example of the Sangha. |
Ch́a khóa Học Phật Là Ǵ? |
Access to Insight is not an organization and is not affiliated with any institution. It is simply one person's website. Although I have studied the Buddha's teachings for many years as a dedicated lay follower, I have no academic degrees in either the Pali language or Buddhist Studies. In these pages I have therefore relied on the translations and interpretations of other respected scholars, teachers, and practitioners who have far more experience and wisdom than do I. |
Access to Insigh không phải là một tổ chức và cũng không phải là chi nhánh của bất cứ một tổ chức nào. Nó chỉ đơn giản là một website của một cá nhân. Mặc dù tôi có nghiên cứu về Phật pháp trong nhiều năm với tư cách là một Phật tử thuần thành, nhưng tôi không có nền tảng thâm sâu cả về ngôn ngữ Pali lẫn triết học Phật giáo. Cho nên trong nhiều bài viết tôi phải dựa vào những bản dịch, dựa vào sự phiên dịch của những nhà học giả khác, của những giảng sư, và những người đang tu tập. Các vị này là những người có nhiều kinh nghiệm, nhiều kiến thức hơn tôi. . |
The readings assembled here represent just a selection of the Buddha's teachings. These are the ones that, over the years, I've personally found to be helpful in deepening an understanding of Dhamma practice. This collection is not meant to be an exhaustive archive of Theravada Buddhist texts. |
Sự sưu tập các tư liệu ở đây chỉ tương ứng với sự chọn lọc của những lời giảng dậy của Đức Phật. Đây là những bài mà trăi qua nhiều năm tôi với tư cách cá nhân đă nhận thấy rất hữu ích trong việc thấu hiểu Phật Pháp. Những bài vở này cũng không phải là tất cả mọi khía cạnh, mọi chủ đề của Phật Giáo Theravada. . |
I've tried to avoid injecting my own views and opinions into these web pages. Some biases, however, inevitably intrude, owing to the editorial choices I've made and the short introductory essays and blurbs I've written here and there to give some context to the material being presented. I sincerely hope that my biases do not in any way obscure the real meaning of the texts themselves. |
Tôi cố gắng tránh đưa những quan điểm và y' kiến riêng của tôi vào trong trang web này. Tuy nhiên, một vài trường hợp cũng không thể nào tránh khỏi, do sự chọn lựa của chủ biên tôi đă làm và để giới thiệu bài tiểu luận ngắn cũng như những lời đề tựa mà tôi đă viết tại đây cũng là đưa ra một vài lời văn cụ thể có tính cách cá biệt. Tôi chân thành hy vọng rằng những cố gắng của tôi dù sao đi nữa cũng không làm y' nghĩa thật sự của mạch văn trở nên sai lạc, khó hiểu. . |
Everything available at Access to Insight is offered in full cooperation with the authors, translators, and publishers concerned, with the clear understanding that none of it is to be sold. Please help yourself to whatever you find useful. (For a detailed explanation of the copyright status of materials on the website, please read "Copyright and Related Issues.") |
Điều quan trọng nhất tại Access to Insight là y' muốn cộng tác chân thành với những tác giả, dịch giả và các nhà xuất bản, với sự hiểu biết rơ ràng rằng không một tác phẩm nào nơi đây được bán ra. Xin quí vị tự tiện sưu tầm những đề tài mà quí vị nhận thấy hữu ích trong trang này. (Những chi tiết giải thích về bản quyền của những tài liệu trong trang web, xin đọc ""Bản quyền và những lưu hành liên hệ.") |
How did Access to Insight start? ![]() In early 1993, with the help of the » Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, I set up in my basement a computer bulletin board service (BBS) to see if networked computers might be genuinely useful as a support for students and practitioners of Buddhism. Originally dubbed "BCBS OnLine," the BBS soon joined DharmaNet's international network of dialup Buddhist BBS's and adopted the name "Access to Insight." Shortly thereafter, Barry Kapke launched DharmaNet's Dharma Book Transcription Project, of which I served as librarian, and under whose auspices about a hundred high-quality books on Buddhism were transcribed to computer through the dedicated efforts of an international team of volunteer transcribers and proofreaders. These books were soon distributed via DharmaNet to scores of BBS's around the world. In 1994 I installed a dialup Internet e-mail connection that allowed anyone on the Internet to retrieve these books via an e-mail file server. This proved to be a popular service. By late 1994 the BBS — now independent of BCBS — spent far more of its time serving file requests from around the world via the Internet than in handling the requests of local callers. Internet users from far and wide were coming to depend on Access to Insight's now rickety and overworked '386 computer as their link to information — both the timely and the timeless — about Buddhism. In March 1995 this website was born; eight months later I closed down the BBS for good. |
Trang web Access to Insight bắt đầu như thế nào? |
Today Access to Insight continues to grow: what began in 1993 as a modest collection of two or three suttas and a handful of articles has blossomed into a library of more than nine hundred suttas and several hundred articles and books. With the release of the Handful of Leaves CD-ROM in 1998 and 1999, these texts are now reaching an even wider audience and being further redistributed around the world in print and electronic media. |
Ngày hôm nay Access to Insight tiếp tục phát triển: |
(To explore ATI's history in obsessive detail, see the archives of old news summaries.) |
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How do you decide which texts to include on the website? ![]() One overarching principle has guided my choice of what to include in these pages, and what to leave out: a conviction that the teachings found in the Pali canon are just as relevant today as when they were first put into practice 2,600 years ago. Despite all the obvious material advances in the human world since the Buddha's time, the Four Noble Truths appear to be as vital today as ever: suffering and stress still pervade our lives; the cause still appears to be craving in all its insidious manifestations; and there is no reason to suspect that the Noble Eightfold Path is any less effective today at bringing an end to all that suffering and stress. Unlike some popular writers on Buddhism today, I find little in the Canon that cries out for "modernization" or reform to suit the unique demands of modern times. I believe that the Buddha's teachings of Awakening are concerned with fundamental principles of human nature that transcend any social, cultural, or political agendas. One teacher has summed it up well: "The West has far more to learn from Theravada, than does Theravada from the West." |
Các bài Pháp như thế nào để bạn quyết định để vào trang web? |
The emphasis here is on practice. For the most part I've selected books, articles, and sutta translations that I've found helpful to develop a personal understanding of the Buddha's teachings, rather than texts that tend to fuel intellectual debates on abstract philosophical concepts. Beyond these basic principles, it all comes down to a matter of personal taste. See also: Why don't you have translations of ALL the suttas from the Pali canon? |
Sự nhấn mạnh ở đây là thực hành. Hầu hết sách, bài viết và bản dịch kinh điển mà tôi tuyển chọn mà tôi thấy hữu ích cho sự tiếp thu cuả cá nhân về giáo lư cuả Đức Phật, hơn là những bản văn có xu hướng khơi nguồn cho những tranh luận trừu tượng về những khái niệm triết học cao xa. Ngoài những nguyên tắc cơ bản này, th́ c̣n lại là vấn đề sở thích riêng.
coi thêm tại: Tại sao bạn không chuyển dịch tất cả kinh điển từ Tam Tạng Thánh Điển? |
Why don't you have translations of ALL the suttas from the Pali canon? ![]() This website aims to be selective rather than comprehensive. My goal has never been to publish translations of every single one of the Tipitaka's 10,000-plus suttas. What you see here is a selection of suttas that meet three criteria: (1) they are, in my opinion, good translations; (2) I have personally found them useful; and (3) their copyright holders have provided them for free distribution. |
Tại sao bạn không đưa tất cả kinh điển của Tam Tạng Thánh Điển vào trang web?? |
There are many other fine translations of important suttas available in print today, and I encourage you to support their continued publication by purchasing copies. Someday, perhaps, these publishers will make those translations available freely to all. Until then, however, we must learn to make do with what we have. See also: How do you decide which texts to include on the website? and Is there anything wrong with selling Dhamma books? |
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Whom can we thank for making all these texts available? ![]() My role in assembling Access to Insight has primarily been that of facilitator and librarian, helping to bring together under one virtual roof the fruits of the hard work of many people: authors, translators, publishers, transcribers, and proofreaders. The unstinting generosity and commitment to the Dhamma demonstrated by these many contributors continues to amaze and inspire me. If you have found anything of value at Access to Insight please join me in thanking those who have made this website possible: |
Tôi có thể cám ơn ai về những bài giảng này? |
Who translated the suttas on this website? ![]() The sutta translations were made by many esteemed translators, including: Venerables Bhikkhu Bodhi, Acharya Buddharakkhita, Bhikkhu Khantipalo, Ñanamoli Thera, Ñanavara Thera, Narada Thera, Nyanaponika Thera, Soma Thera, Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Phra Ajaan Geoff), and Sister Vajira; I.B. Horner, John D. Ireland, K.R. Norman, and F.L. Woodward. |
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Copyright and related issues
Are Access to Insight's texts in the public domain? No. They are protected by copyright. See Are these texts protected by copyright? |
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Are these texts protected by copyright? ![]() Yes. You may copy and redistribute any texts from this website, provided that you abide by these two basic principles:
The files on this website are made available to you thanks to the generosity of dozens of authors, translators, publishers, and transcribers, who contributed their efforts with the explicit understanding that their work would only be given away free of charge, as an expression of dana. You may download these files to your computer, print them out, read them, share them with your friends, copy them to your own website, translate them into other languages, and redistribute them electronically — provided that you do not charge any money for them. They are not in the public domain. You may reformat the files as you please (see below), but you may not change their content without first obtaining permission from the author, translator, or publisher. Some texts contain additional copyright notices with specific additional rights and restrictions spelled out by the authors and publishers; please read and abide by these notices. If you reprint or republish any of these materials, please acknowledge the original author, translator, or publisher, as appropriate. Please ask me if you have any additional questions about the copyright status of anything offered here. |
Có phải những bản văn này giữ bản quyềnt? |
Do you have any tips for website developers? ![]() Like every other webmaster, I have opinions about what makes for a useful website. For the most part, the web seems to be bloated with all kinds of superficial fluff, as websites clamor to make themselves stand out from the others in a kind of global multimedia shouting match. To keep the noise level down on this website I've found it helpful to follow a few basic principles, which I summarize below. Perhaps you'll find some of them helpful, too. |
Bạn có lời khuyên ǵ đến những người làm trang web? |
To learn more about the gory details involved in running the website (including software, shell scripts, etc.), see my Technical Notes and visit ATI's weblog, » Access to Insight :: Queries & Comments. For notes about my style choices for the website, see "The Elements of ATI Style."
Để biết thêm những chi tiết dữ dội liên quan đến việc điều hành website (bao gồm phần mềm, shell script (các file chúa lệnh thi hành bởi shell - shell: phần mềm cung cấp giao diện giưă người sử dụng và hệ điều hành cuả máy tính), v.v.), xem Chú thích kỹ thuật của tôi và hăy vào weblog của ATI >> Access to Insight:: Queries & Comments. Đối với những chú thích về cách chọn phong cách cho webste của tôi, xin xem The Element of ATI Style. |
For some refreshing opinions:
Để có một số ư kiến có tươi mới |
Web (Access to Insight) issues ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- What's the difference between Access to Insight, the Off-line Edition, and the CD-ROM?
The Off-line Edition is a snapshot of the online Access to Insight website at a particular day and time that you may download onto your computer for off-line browsing. The CD-ROM edition will contain all that, plus a built-in search engine, PDF files, and other goodies. The differences between the live, off-line, and CD-ROM versions of Access to Insight are summarized here:
Live website Off-line Edition CD-ROM
(coming 2006)Basic website (html files) Yes Yes Yes Search engine Yes No Yes PDF files Yes No Yes Pali font files Yes No Yes "What's new"
and old news"What's new" (and old news) Yes No No "Surprise me" buttons Yes No No Techie stuff
(shell scripts, etc.)Yes Yes Yes
Miscellaneous ![[go up]](icon/scrollup.gif)
- Can I get print copies of the books on your website?
Many of the books, articles, and translations appearing on this website are also available in print form from various publishers. Here is a partial list of sources for some of these printed books:
Author Title Available from Bodhi, Bhikkhu A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma Buddhist Publication Society [Sri Lanka] Boowa, Maha (various) Wat Pah Baan Taad Monastery [Thailand] Dune, Ajaan Gifts He Left Behind Metta Forest Monastery [USA] Lee, Ajaan (various) Metta Forest Monastery [USA] Mahasi Sayadaw The Progress of Insight Buddhist Publication Society [Sri Lanka] Narada Thera Buddhism in a Nutshell Piyadassi Thera The Book of Protection Soma Thera The Way of Mindfulness Suwat, Ajaan A Fistful of Sand Metta Forest Monastery [USA] Thanissaro Bhikkhu Dhammapada: A Translation Dhamma Dana Publications [USA] Handful of Leaves Sati Center for Buddhist Studies [USA] Itivuttaka: A Translation Dhamma Dana Publications [USA] The Mind Like Fire Unbound An Unentangled Knowing Wings to Awakening (various) The Wheel and Bodhi Leaves Publications Buddhist Publication Society [Sri Lanka]